Sunday, November 17th, at 11AM



At Reach City Church we believe children are a heritage and gift from God (Psalm 127:3). Therefore, we offer families an opportunity to publicly recognize each child as a gift from the Lord, and dedicate him/her to God’s purposes on earth.

Child Dedication is a special moment where we speak purpose, provision, and peace into the lives of the next generation. On Sunday, November 17th, we invite you to join us for our special Child Dedication service! This is a time where we partner with you and your family as you take this bold step of dedicating your children to God.


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Common Questions

What is Child Dedication?

A child dedication is a ceremony that expresses your desire as parents to raise your child in the ways of the Bible and to ask God to use your child for His purposes. You submit your will for your child to His will. The act of dedication must not be thought of as a ritual or ceremony that has saving merit to it. The child can never be automatically a born-again Christian as a result of being dedicated. The Bible says that a baby is a blessing from God. When you decide to dedicate your child, you are acknowledging the awesome responsibility God has given you in raising your child.

Is Child Dedication the Same as Baptism?

At Reach City Church, we baptize those who believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We believe that once children understand the plan of salvation, a parent can encourage their child to be water baptized.

According to the Bible, everyone (adult or child) who recognizes his or her need of a Savior and then repents and believes in Christ should be baptized (Acts 2:38, 41; 8:36-38).

However, in the Scripture there is no record of infants or very young children being baptized. This is because they are unaware of right and wrong and have nothing of which to repent. They are not yet able to understand the need for a Savior.

Rather than baptizing infants or children, we encourage a dedication ceremony, where parents formally call upon God’s blessing for their child and publicly commit to raise him or her in accordance with Scripture.

How Old Should the Child Be?

While there is no set age for a child to be presented to the Lord, children are generally presented within the first year or two of their life. We do encourage parents who have not dedicated their child to God to do so if the child is still in grade five or below.

What is Required to Dedicate Our Child(ren)?

You will need to fill out a Child Dedication Application and submit no more than 5 photos of your child to project on the screen during the dedication. All photos must be submitted by November 13th.

For further information, you may review our Child Dedication Policy booklet. Or, you may send your inquiries to